There is a blessed balance, for the Ruler of the heavens holds a scale with two pans: in one, He places the trials of His people, and in the other, their comfort. When it seems that the vessel of trials is about to be emptied, we always find the vessel of comfort in the same state. And when the vessel of trials is full, the vessel of comfort will also be full.
When dark clouds gather, the light will shine even brighter. And when night falls and the storm approaches, the heavenly Captain remains ever close to His crew. It is a blessed thing that when we are deeply discouraged, we are lifted by the consolations of the Spirit.
The first reason for this is that trials create more space for comfort. Great hearts are only formed through many trials. The shovel of affliction digs deeper into the reservoir of peace, making more room for grace. When God comes to our hearts and finds them full, He begins to dig, disturbing our comfort, emptying us so that He may make a vast space for His grace.
The more a person humbles themselves in life, the greater their comfort, for they become more suited to receive it.
There is another reason to rejoice in the midst of trials: we find ourselves closer to God. When our storehouses are full, we may live without Him. When our pockets are filled with gold, we pray less. But when food becomes scarce, our need for God increases. Then, we cleanse our homes of idols and are compelled to glorify the Lord. “Out of the depths, I cry to You, O Lord.”
The best cries are those that rise from the depths—there is no prayer more heartfelt than the one that ascends from the soul’s deep suffering and trials.
Thus, trials bring us closer to God, and in that, we find true happiness.
Come, O afflicted believer, do not despair over your heavy burdens, for they are but a prelude to abundant mercy.