A believer must clearly resemble Jesus Christ. You may have read beautiful and eloquent writings about the life of Christ, but the best thing ever written about Him is found in the words and actions of His people. If we acknowledge who we are and who we ought to be, we must strive to reflect the image of Christ. This striking resemblance will not cause the world to pause for an hour and say, “Well, there seems to be a slight similarity between them.” Rather, they will stand in awe and say, “This person has been with Jesus, has learned from Him personally, and therefore, he is like Him. He embraces the same thoughts as the pure Man of Nazareth, displaying them daily in his life and work.”
A believer must be like Jesus in boldness. Never be ashamed to declare your faith; your calling will never disgrace you, and be careful not to despise it. Be as courageous as Jesus was for your God. Imitate Him in His loving spirit—think deeply, speak gently, and act wisely so that others may say of you, “This person has been with Jesus.”
Imitate Jesus in holiness. Was He zealous for His Father? Then be the same—always go forth and do good. Do not waste time; it is too precious. Was He self-denying, never seeking His own interests? Be like Him. Was He devoted? Then be fervent in your prayers. Was He submissive to the will of His Heavenly Father? Then submit yourself to Him. Was He patient? Then cultivate patience.
Above all, strive to be a reflection of Jesus. Forgive your enemies as He did, and let these noble words of your Master always echo in your ears: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” So forgive, just as you hope to be forgiven, and by doing so, you will heap burning coals on the head of your enemy through your kindness. Do good instead of evil, and always remember to imitate God. Therefore, resemble God in every way, by all means, and live in such a way that it may always be said of you, “This person has been with Jesus.”