O tried and tested soul, perhaps the Lord allows this so that His grace may be revealed. Some aspects of His grace remain hidden until trials arise. Do you not know that your faith does not appear as great in the summer as it does in the winter? Love is often like a firefly—it does not shine except in the darkness. Hope is like a star, unseen in the sunlight but visible in the darkness of hardship.
Trials are often like black frames in which God sets the jewels of His grace, making them shine even brighter. Not long ago, you were kneeling in prayer, saying, “Lord, I fear that I have no faith. Let me know that I do have faith.” Is this not true? And yet, unconsciously, you may have been praying for trials. For how else will you know you have faith unless your faith is tested?
Trust in this: God often sends trials so that we may discover His grace within us, allowing us to proclaim its presence. More than just a revelation, true growth in grace is often the result of enduring trials. God sometimes takes away our comforts and privileges to mold us into stronger believers. He trains His soldiers not in tents of ease and luxury but through rigorous marches and demanding service.
He leads them through streams, has them swim across rivers, climb mountains, and walk long distances, carrying the heavy burdens of sorrow on their shoulders. Well then, dear believer, have you not endured these same struggles in your life? Has the Lord not revealed His grace to you and caused it to grow? Is this not why He contends with you?