And you shall call his name Jesus – (Matthew 1:21)

When a person is dear to you, everything associated with them also becomes dear out of honor for them. Likewise, the value of the Lord Jesus is magnified in the eyes of all true believers to the extent that everything connected to Him is considered precious beyond measure. As David said, “All Your garments are scented with myrrh, aloes, and cassia,” as if the Savior’s garments themselves had become supremely sweet through His person, leaving him with no choice but to love them.

Certainly, there is no place where those sacred feet have stepped, no word spoken by those blessed lips, nor any thought revealed by His loving Word that is not priceless to us. This also applies to the names of Christ—all of them are sweet to the believer’s ear. Whether He is called the Bridegroom of the Church, her Lover, or her Friend; whether He is named the Lamb slain since the foundation of the world, the King, the Prophet, or the Priest—every name of our Lord, whether Shiloh, Immanuel, Wonderful, or Counselor, is like honey, dripping with sweetness, and every drop is delightful.

Yet, if there is one name sweeter to the believer’s ear than all others, it is the name Jesus. Yes, Jesus! It is the name that makes the harps of heaven resound with melodies. Jesus! The life in which all our joy is found. If there is a name more enchanting, more precious than any other, it is this name.

It is woven into the lines and fabric of the hymns we sing—many of them begin with His name, and rarely do we find a great hymn that does not end with it. It is the name that, in itself, holds all delight. It is the music played by the bells of heaven, the song condensed into a single word. It is an ocean of meaning in the brevity of its expression, an unparalleled divine hymn of just two syllables, an eternal Hallelujah contained within four letters.

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