Arise and go – (Micah 2:10)

The hour draws near when the message comes to us, just as it comes to everyone:
“Rise and walk away from the home where you grew up, from the city where you accomplished your work, from your family and friends. Rise and take the path of your final journey.”

But what do we truly know about this journey? And what do we know about the home prepared for us? What we have read about it is little, and the rest has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit—but our knowledge of the world to come remains limited!

We know of a dark, stormy river called “death.” God has called us to cross it, promising to be with us. But what lies beyond death? What is that wondrous world that will unfold before our astonished eyes? What glorious sight will be revealed to us? No traveler has ever returned to tell us.

Yet, we know enough about that heavenly land to welcome our invitation there with joy and delight. The journey of death may seem dark, but we can pass through it without fear, knowing that God is with us as we walk through the valley of shadows. Therefore, we need not fear any evil.

We must leave behind everything we have known and loved here, for we are going to our Father’s house, to the place where Jesus dwells. To that heavenly city, “the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” This will be our final journey—to dwell forever with the One we love, among His people, in the presence of God.

Christian, meditate often on heaven, for it will help you move forward and ease the burdens of the road. This valley of tears is merely the path to a better home. This world of suffering is nothing more than the threshold leading us into a world of blessings.

Prepare us, O Lord, with your divine grace

So that we may come to your splendid palaces on high

And awaken our spirits so that they may arise and come together

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