Who is the Holy Spirit? Is He merely a mysterious force, or is He a living divine person actively working in the world today? And is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and the angel Gabriel, as some believe? These and other questions may come to the minds of many. To understand who the Holy Spirit is, it is important to go back to the oldest information available to us, which is found in the Bible.
The term “Holy Spirit” comes into Arabic from an ancient religious concept, referring to the spiritual being considered part of the Holy Trinity in Christianity. The Arabic word “روح” (Rūḥ) means breath or spiritual force that gives life and guides a person toward God, while “القدس” (al-Quds) means purity or sanctification. Thus, the “Holy Spirit” can be understood as the pure Spirit of God, working in the world and in the lives of believers.
The origin of the term “Holy Spirit” in the Bible is found in Hebrew and Greek. In Hebrew, the term used is רוּחַ קֹדֶשׁ (Ruach Kodesh), meaning “the Holy Spirit.” In Greek, the term is Πνεῦμα Ἅγιον (Pneuma Hagion), which also means “the Holy Spirit.” In both languages, this term expresses the divine power that embodies God’s presence in the world and in the lives of believers.
الروح القدس من هو و ما هي أعماله ؟ – المسيحيون المغاربة
The Holy Spirit, who is he and what are his works? -Moroccan Christians
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit appears as God’s active power, working in creation, guidance, and inspiring the prophets. In the Book of Genesis, it is mentioned that “the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2), highlighting His role in the creation process. Prophets like David also referred to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, as he said, “The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me; His word was on my tongue” (2 Samuel 23:2). Additionally, the Holy Spirit played a key role in granting wisdom and strength to prominent figures such as Moses, Joseph, and Elijah.
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
In the New Testament, the role of the Holy Spirit becomes clearer and more evident, especially after the coming of Jesus Christ. The angel announces to Mary that the conception of Jesus will occur “through the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:35), and He appears at Jesus’ baptism in the form of a dove descending upon Him (Matthew 3:16). After Christ’s ascension, His promise of sending the Holy Spirit to the disciples is fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, when “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues” (Acts 2:4). Through this event, the Holy Spirit becomes the driving force behind the spread of Christ’s message and the strengthening of the Christian faith throughout the world.
Symbols of the Holy Spirit
The Bible uses various symbols to represent the work and influence of the Holy Spirit, including:
- The Dove: Appeared when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus during His baptism, symbolizing purity, peace, and spirituality.
- Fire: Represents purification and divine power, as seen on the day of Pentecost when tongues of fire appeared over the disciples.
- Wind: Signifies the invisible yet powerful presence of God, impacting the lives of believers.
- Water: Symbolizes renewal and spiritual life, likened to a living river that nourishes believers’ souls and grants them eternal life.
Many have seen these symbols in dreams when they encountered Jesus.
Roles of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit plays multiple significant roles in Christian life. He is not just a divine force but also the Comforter and Guide who helps believers in their daily spiritual journey. Some of His roles include:
- Comforter and Guide: The Holy Spirit teaches believers, opens their minds to understand God’s Word, helps them make wise decisions, and leads them to divine truth.
- Giver of Spiritual Life: He renews hearts, transforming individuals from a life of sin to one of purity and holiness, making them a new creation in Christ.
- Sanctifier and Purifier: He cleanses believers from sin, gives them strength to resist temptations, and empowers them to live according to Christ’s teachings.
- Assurance of Salvation: He confirms to believers that they are children of God, assuring them of their eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Giver of Spiritual Gifts: The Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, and interpretation, all for building up the Church and strengthening believers.
The Holy Spirit is the divine power at work in believers’ lives. He guides them into truth and empowers them to live according to God’s will. His work is not merely theoretical but a tangible reality evident in every believer’s life—bringing joy, peace, wisdom, and love. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is a precious divine gift that enables believers to grow spiritually and draw closer to God, allowing them to live as true witnesses who reflect the light of Christ in the world.