The way and The Truth and The Life

Your faith has made you well – (Luke 8:47)

One of the most impactful and instructive miracles of the Savior is the subject of our reflection this evening. The woman was extremely ignorant—she imagined that mercy flowed out of Christ as a matter of necessity, without His knowledge or...
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What is the Holy Spirit ?

Who is the Holy Spirit? Is He merely a mysterious force, or is He a living divine person actively working in the world today? And is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and the angel Gabriel, as some believe?...
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What is Christmas?

The Message of Christmas: Hope and Light in a Troubled World In a few days, Christians will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, hanging their hopes for a better year on the Christmas tree, believing that...
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Thus says the Lord God: After these things I will ask the house of Israel to do for them – (Ezekiel 36:37)

Prayer Precedes Mercy Return to sacred history, and you will find that it is rare for this earth to have received any declared mercy without supplication. You may find this to be true in your personal experience. God has generously...
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So they knew that they had been with Jesus – (Acts 4:13)

A believer must clearly resemble Jesus Christ. You may have read beautiful and eloquent writings about the life of Christ, but the best thing ever written about Him is found in the words and actions of His people. If we...
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So there is now no condemnation – (Romans 8:1)

Come, my soul, and reflect on this matter. After believing in Jesus, you are truly without guilt. Indeed, you have been freed from your prison. You are no longer bound by the chains of slavery. You have now been set...
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So David inquired of the Lord – (2 Samuel 5:23)

When David asked the Lord about this, he had already fought the Philistines and achieved a great victory over them. Even though the Philistines had come with large armies, with God’s help, David easily drove them into retreat. However, he...
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Praying at all times – (Ephesians 6:18)

There have been many prayers we have lifted since the very first moment we learned how to pray. Our first prayers were for ourselves, as we sought God’s mercy to erase our sins. And He listened to us. When He...
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I know how to abound – (Philippians 4:12)

Many who know how to be humble have not learned how to abound. When they stand on the mountain peak, they become dizzy and are on the verge of falling. A believer often tarnishes his faith more in times of...
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About Me

My name is Ramez Shokralla, an Egyptian Christian.
My goal is to help spread understanding of Christianity and provide Bible-based content.
I believe that the Word of God is the source of truth for every human being. I seek to spread the Word of God and shed light on the truths in the Holy Bible.

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